She lived a good life.
R.I.P. Rosa Parks
(National-NBC) Oct. 24, 2005 - Rosa Parks died Monday in Detroit, Michigan
at the age of 92.
Rosa Parks changed the course of race relations and became the mother of the American Civil Rights movement.A lone seamstress on her way home from work in Montgomery, Alabama, she refused to give up her seat in the front of the bus to a white man. Her arrest sparked a 381 day bus boycott and thrust her into the center of the Civil Rights movement.
The next year the US Supreme Court declared bus segregation unconstitutional.
Born in Tuskegee, Alabama, in 1913, Parks moved to Detroit in 1957. Detroit named a street after her and city buses where she was once treated as second class, now bear her name.
She was honored in Montgomery when Troy State University broke ground for the new Rosa Parks Library and Museum. She was honored again by President Clinton during the 1999 State of the Union address. Rosa Parks took her honors in stride, always believing her role was fighting for civil rights for all.
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