There was a surprise for me this Thanksgiving!
I had a new baby neice named Jada, and my brother brought her up from North Carolina to celebrate the holiday with us.
Jada Cynthia is 5 months young and she is such a beautiful baby. She is very friendly and has the largest set of eyes that you ever did see.
You had to see me last weekend getting all anxious right before I walked into the house, because I knew I would be gazing into

those big brown eyes very shortly. And she too would get very excited when Aunty Princess was around. I spoiled her rotten--I wouldn't put her down and let her touch and play with whatever she wanted--aren't aunty's supposed to do that??

Now I have neices Gemille, Savannah, Liberty, Benetta, Jada and nephews Isaac, Jaden, Jaiden--yes, I have 2 with the same name, different brothers--so I am an aunty 8 times.
I love the newest addition to my family and I can't wait to see her again... I've actually been

thinking about driving to N.C. with Coco Puff to pick her up for a week sometime after Christmas. He doesn't think my brother and her mother will let me. And he says to me "Can't they just mail her to me?"
How cute.
Good morning to all. Congrats to you Princess to the new addition to your family, even though I'm five months late on that one lol. Jada is a beautiful baby girl and the thrill & love a baby can bring to a family is unmatched!!!. It seems with a new addition in a family there are lot more smiles and laughter to go around. Just this year me myself became a godfather (Tristan "Macho" Andre Torres) and the joy he brings to me is uncontainable. I find myself not paying attention to his mother when come to visit, just trying to see how many times I can make him laugh. At times he makes me wanna have a baby, hmmm maybe not lol.
Heyyyy Chidi!!!
Nice to see you finally checked me out.
Yea, new additions definately bring new smiles and new attitudes fa sho'.
Congrats on becoming a Godfather!!!
I'm soo with you on how they can make you wanna have one of your own. Last weekend I had those same type of feelings.
Thanks for stopping by...
Have a good weekend!
yes, she is a cutie and children are true blessings to the world. I'm sure her presence made your Thanksgiving extra special.
Thank you for the lovely comments you left. I reside in southern NJ near AC.
Your niece is heaven's sent, awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, her eyes are so expressive. Thanks for stopping by my blog and asking the question about God which I replied. Thanks also for sharing these beautiful pictures, you have a beautiful family, stay blessed :)
Beautiful child and from my home state of NC! God bless~
I LOVE BABIES. She is a Cutie Petootie.
She is beautiful. I love babies, I love their smell, I love playing with them. I wonder what they are thinking too. But most of all I love giving them back to their parents. LOL.How a good weekend!
Heyyy, look at the lil cutee.. she is just a'cheesin' away for the camera. I think if you try hard enough, you'll be able to take her off of your brother's hands for jusssst a minute. But only 60 seconds now... lol - enjoy your weekend luv..
JB we have a new baby in our family too. My neice who lived with me from a very young age had a baby boy Benjamin 9 weeks ago. They are coming from the UK to visit with me. I can't tell you how excited I am to hold this baby. You want to kiss them, smell them and can't wait to cuddle him. It's been a long time since I held a baby. Just the idea makes me all weepy lol
You are very welcome and thanks for the compliments on my neice.
What's AC?
How far is that from Newark? I'm right near the Elizabeth and Newark area
Brother Stephen...
Thank You
Thank You.
Sister Wendy...
LOLOLOLOL @ giving them back. I didn't want to see her leave. It was very sad, especially since the next time I see her she won't be as small.
Brother Luke...
You think I could kidnap her for just a week?
Sista Alli...
I know exactly how that feels!!!
AWWW she is too cute...I only have one nephew and a god daughter but I promise they know that they can get over on me LOL..then again that's out job as an auntie haha
Heyyyyy Honey-Libra...
Welcome to my spot. I'm really happy to have you and appreciate you stopping by. Hope you come back.
Thanks for the compliments on my neice.
Yesss Gurrl! They do know when they can get over on you!!
My nephew Jaden, (Jada's brother) always runs to me when he wants something that my brother says he can't have.
"Aunty Princess daddy said I can't have cookies...can I have it?"
How you gonna set up your request like that MANNN?
jenelly, please dont take this the wrong way, but...
and he has locs too????? *swooning*
oh yeah, the baby's kinda cute too... LOL!
Fallen Angel...
No offense taken my sister--none at all.
Thats not my brother....
That's my man so NO TOUCHING!!
I definately appreciate the compliments, makes me feel good to hear someone else finds him attractive.
Thanks Fallen Angel, I hope Princess did not pay you to say that. ha ha.. Love ya babe it would take more that the 12 disciples to pull me away from you. (or maybe Oprah lmao j/k)
that's NOT your brother???? that's your MAN????? DAMN jenelly, i aint made at you at all!!!!! do that shyt!!!! :-)
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