December 17, 2006

Sunday Fortune

Pride is a good thing to have, but don't overdose on it

Got this in a fortune cookie after having lunch at the Chinese buffet
with my parents.
It speaks the truth.


lyre said...

So true. I need to deveop some pride about myself and make myself unattainable to those who seek to exploit my personality. Yet, I need to remain open to those who truly need and are honest in their dealings.

Blu Jewel said...

i have a similar one..."Pride is the only poison that won't kill you if swallowed"

lyre: that's a profound statement you made. I really like it.

Jenell : BlakIzBeautyful said...

You can do it, you just need to have faith in yourself and stop making excuses.


That's hot!

Lyrically speaking said...

Hmmmmmmmmm, so so true


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