People create success in their lives by focusing on today.
It may sound trite, but today is the only time you have.
It's too late for yesterday. And you can't depend on tomorrow.
--John Maxwell
I got this from a spiritual and inspirational book by Pator A.R. Benard
of the well known Brooklyn Cultural Christian Center. The book is
titled "HAPPINESS IS... a way of mind a way of life"
This speaks the truth. Do what you have to do for the now.
If tomorrow comes, God willingly, then do whatever it is you have to do then
JB wishing you and your loved ones "Peace & Blessings" throughout the coming year. You are truly an inspiration to young women and everyone alike. You my dear are going places in this life. Grasp the moments and enjoy!!
Great quote. I may have to "steal" it one day.
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