December 27, 2006

Keeping It Healthy Wednesday


This is the time of year when many people are coming up with promises they wish to keep for the new years, we call these promises New Year's Resolutions.

These resolutions are usually prompted by things we want to change in our lives and we create an action plan to make the change. Some will want to quit smoking, lose weight, gain weight, stop drinking as often, exercise more, spend time with family, drink more water, start saving money, read one book a month etc.

In order to really follow through with your New Year's Resolution, you need to devise a plan. Sit down and brainstorm. Think realistically at how you would go about following through with the resolution.

For example if your New Year's Resolution is to start eating breakfast every morning you have to ask yourself if you can realistically wake up an hour earlier every morning to make breakfast. If you want to start attending Sunday Services, you need to make sure nothing conflicts with the time slot on Sundays.

For the very many who will create a resolution based on diet and exercise, you really need to determine what goals/results you desire then choose what means to obtaining the results you can physically do and most importantly determine how often you can realistically do it. Don't say you will work out in the gym 5 days a week, if you work 40+ hours, have children, and can't afford a gym membership. You are setting yourself up to fail before you even began. There are many exercises that can be done in the home or in the yard. Working out 2-3 hours a week and being able to remain consistent is much better then aiming for 5 and only making 2, because you will lose confidence in yourself if you continuously fail to work out 5 days and that's not necessary when you are the one in control of your resolution.

You have to keep it real in order to Keep It Healthy.


lyre said...

Keeping it real? I just dont want keeping it real to go terribly wrong. hahahaha
I like this. you are so correct. I did a strategic plan for my life of which physically fit is one of the objectives in 2007. Thanks for this reminder and every wednesday I am gonna self assess my fitness goals.

Lyrically speaking said...

I applaud you for this encouraging post, I really do need to keep it healthy. Ever since I injured my knees I haven't been at the gym in three months, well I haven't gained that much weight but i'm still sluggish from lack of exercise. I am going to make a resolution to get back on track. Thanks for sharing.

Stephen A. Bess said...

Yeah, I just plan to eat healthier more often than not. :) Thanks for the word.

Wendy said...

Jenelly, I fell so far off the wagon these past weeks. I needed this encouragement.I know how easily the weight comes back,but I just couldn't help it!!LOL. Back to reality now...

Superstar Nic said...

Great post! I know I will do one about resolutions myself ;-) My biggest resolution is to get back on my weight loss plan. I was doing so well, but like someone else said I have completely fallen off the wagon. Now its time to get back on ;-)

Hope ur having a great and happy holiday season.

Luke Cage said...

I'm still in the throes of major body work I began back in '03 when I wanted to change up my eating habits and lifestyle. I was working with a nutritionist that spring and during her body checks of me, she discovered that I had high blood pressure. It's been a great change ever since. I didn't wait until the New Year as my new workout regimin began in the first 4 or 5 months of that year. Needless to say, I'm still a work in progress with it. I can't remember the last time I had a resolution. If there's a change to be made, a brotha cannot wait until the first of the year. I'm on it immediately. Have a great New Year luv! Nice job as usual...


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