Do you love DVR/TIVO as much as I?
I DVR everything and I finally got to sit and watch some shows that have been in the DVR for weeks.
I was watching The Tyra Show the other day and she was promoting the new Nivea My Silhouette Gel Cream.
There were 5 women on the show who participated in a competition and they lost between 4-8 inches off their thighs, hips, waist, and stomach. The challange was to help these women get back into their skinny jeans by changing their lifestyle and using this gel cream 1-2 times a day. The gel helps to firm, tone, and redifine your silhouette. But diet and exercise is crucial to the success of this challenge. See the results of the show here.
As I mentioned days ago, this summer I'm working out like crazy (everyday) and I did a little research on the gel cream. I decided to use this gel cream to help tone and firm up my skin.

So in 4 weeks (Aug 7) I'll put up updated photos. I'm sure all the working out I do will make this cream more effective then the women on the Tyra show.
...so you mean I can't just slap on some of htis cream and get rid of the dimples/jiggles??
Oh. :-/
Looking at the photos of the before/afters of the people in this challenge, I can't say I can tell a difference with them being fully clothed and all 'tucked in'. Clothing can make you look good, they should have an after photo just like the before ones.
Mango you are too funny!
Although you can't use the product by itself to see results I can vouch for how hard it is to tighten skin after you lose weight.
I agree, I couldn't see much of a difference with the clothes on, but the women did lose inches.
Why did you never post the after photos? :( I did'nt see them in your archive.
Anyway.. have a good day. :)
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