Well actually I do--I'll be back Friday.
Coco Puff and I leave Monday morning for our flight to Miami, FL, where we will board the cruise ship Majesty of the Seas, and sail off into the sunset to the Bahamas!
This trip is very much needed. Coco Puff works so hard everyday and he seldom takes a vacation. I on the other hand have been on vacation since June 26 and have had many vacations during the year (winter vacation, spring vacation, Easter vacation, and now summer vacation --the perks of being a teacher!)
This is our first cruise!
This is my first time out of the country!
This is our first vacation as an engaged couple!
We were chatting the other day and I told him we should take a pledge to travel the world together. He was down with this idea. I came up with the name "Around the World in 50 Years" (he says the name is corny).
The concept is great though.
We get married next year July 10 and we plan to Honey Moon out of the country, so that will be the starting point. Every year after that, we must make it essential to take a trip somewhere on our anniversary every year for 5o years. I'll be 75 by our last trip. Coco Puff will be 78 by the last trip. I'm still not sure if I want to include children in this. What do you think?
I'll take lots of photos and share them when we return!
P.S. I scheduled a Keeping It Healthy Wednesday Post, so come check it out on Wednesday--You're gonna love it!
I love your idea of traveling with the soon to be hubby! That is EXACTLY what we are doing as well. We want to see as many places around the world that we can. You should get the book 1,000 Places to See Before you Die by Patricia Schultz. It has the most amazing places to see around the world and that is kinda what the hubby and I are going by to plan some of our trips. You will LOVE yall's plan of traveling..it will be great bonding time for you two! :)
That sounds totally wonderful!! What a grand plan. I think this idea will not only allow you to see the world, but it will also help keep things fresh within your relationship... never a dull moment and always something to look forward to =)...
As for the future kiddos, I think you'll be able to make that decision once he/she/them is/are in the picture. Things truly change once you have a family becomes larger than 2, BUT the possibilities are endless as to how you can work that. You can have said children join you on some trips, but not all, or have them join you on all, or set aside a separate yearly "family" trip to a place that the kids would love to go and keep the Around the World in 50 Years trips just for you and hubby as a way to ensure that the two of you will have that alone time, even after children.
Have a great time on your cruise.
Hey! Wow!! I'm sure I went on that same ship sixteen years ago....I was on it for my 21st birthday. We went from Miami to Mexico and the Florida Keys. It was FANTASTIC! Have a wonderful time. :0)
Awwww...I don't think it's corny!
that's sounds fun! something you 2 can share, stories for the grandkids. I LOVE IT.
Have fun on your trip!!!
Congratulations and have fun!
Enjoy, Have fun, safe travels...
I think its great that you all want to travel more together. I've done this a few times and I love it.
I think when the children come you may not be able to do it right away depending on their age(s) but you can definitely incorporate the children in some of your trips, familiy vacations are great, but there are still some places you may just want to explore as a couple.
I wanna come, but have fun without me (smile).
He lady! I just stumbled across your blog from another site, but I'm glad I did. Me and my husband love cruises so I know you will have a blast! We actually just got married in Caribbean too. Well, when I say "just," I mean back in May. But it feels like it was yesterday. lol. We loved it out there. I want to move there, but my husband needs some more convincing. Smooches.
I'm so happy for you -- please enjoy; leave your worries behind and just relax, unwind and wrap yourselves up in eachother!!
~ Liz
I think it's a lovely idea. Just remember, it's not where you go, but who you go with! :)
i think it's great and u should include your children if you have any as long as it isn't on your anniversary..
hope the hurricane didn't stop your trip. we were already in the bahamas when it hit... i had a blast... i hope you did as well... it's funny cuz we saw your ship leave from orlando en route to miami
check the FB for my pics
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