August 19, 2009

Keeping It Healthy Wednesday

The Sauna

I've never really been a fan of the sauna until recently and I'm finding it to be a great thing for my body.

I've been going in the sauna for about 20-30 minutes after my 1-1.5 hr workout and I just feel so calm when I get out. I have puddles of sweat below me by the end and then I hop into the cool shower and I feel revitalized.

Dr. Oz recently promoted the sauna on Oprah and he talked about the many benefits. When you get in the sauna and sweat, toxins are removed from your body. You also lose [water] weight, about 300 calories in 30 minutes. The sauna helps to keep your complexion clear and bright. And it really makes you relaxed.

After doing some research, I've found that the sauna is not to be relied on to lose weight! Yes you will burn calories because your heart rate increases and your glands produce lots of sweat. All weight lost is water weight. It's very important to drink fluids before, during, and after sauna use.


Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

I've never been a big fan of the sauna but I like to going to the spa....

Armywife101 said...

Thank you for giving me some more insight on the benefits of using the sauna. When I have went to the gym my friend always wants to go in their and I pretty much refused but since I know what the purpose is I will definitley make the attempt again.


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