I don't mean someone just called and said "Hey, let's go out. I'll come get you". And then you have to wait.
I'm also not referring to instances when you advance have plans for someone to pick you up and your waiting at home.
I'm not talkin about waiting on someone because uncontollable traffic was in their route. Or something came up and needed tending to.
The waiting I'm talking about has everything to do with procrastination. Its when your flight lands at 7pm and your ride knew this days ago, they were reminded that morning, and you called at 4pm to remind them right before the plane shoots up into the air. All of that and you're the one waiting 30 minutes on them after getting your luggage!!
Or how about you told your ride before you left to go out, that you need them to pick you up from the subway or bus station at 12:35am and then you called at 12am to remind them to leave NOW because you know they will keep you waiting. And then you intentionally wait 10 extra minutes--letting 2 trains pass you--just so you won't be frustrated when you get off at the stop. Because of course they won't arrive to pick you up on time, but they have to be there if I arrive 15 minutes later then planned. They have to be there....
Of course they are not. That would be against the forces of nature..... And to top it off, you arrive 15 minutes late and they are nowhere to be found.
I was supposed to arrive here 15 minutes ago. You had 45 minutes to get here. We only live 15 minutes away!!!!!
well..i know it's no consolation, but in the grand scheme of things, 15 mins here or there wont' matter, will it? lol
I do tend to beg the differ. 15 minutes can make a whole lot of difference, especially if you are trying to be somewhere on time. I mean, try being late for work 15 minutes not just one day, but every single day. I'm sure my boss will be waiting for me at the door telling me that my key will not fit anymore.
I absolutely hate waiting on people as well! ESPECIALLY when you make plans far in advance. Like traveling plans! Girl, I totally feel your pain! Its irritating!
ahhhh i sooo agree.!!
oooh. i know the feeling. that is why i really hate depending on ppl. that is also why i need a car of my own and not the parentals' car.
girl, i used to be a stickler for time, then i had my child who is slower than molasses...and well i just say woosah... but i do try to be early if not on time when i am picking up people even if that means leaving an hour before for a 15 min ride
I'd like to comment, but you'll just have to wait :)
Oh goodness! I have a friend that's always late when we're supposed to meet up and hang out. I got reeeeeally fed up with it last year, so I stopped inviting her places & accepting invitations.
LOLOLOL!! I don't know what's funnier, your post or the comments.
I am a stickler for time. I am never late in fact I will arrive a few minutes early. When I have to continually wait for someone that tells me they have a lack of consideration for my time....
Alli xx
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I HATE when i come off a plane & im waiting. Thats the most sucky thing.
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I agree! I hate waiting around. I for sure hate that when you call someone to pick you up at the airport and they leave their house when your plane is landing so you wait hours on them... AGREED!
Glad to see Im not the only one that hates waiting!!!
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