September 13, 2009

No More Copies

Due to budget cuts and very little money to work with. My principal has made it very clear to the staff that we will not be able to make many copies. This is a teachers nightmare. Especially an elementary teacher. The students are at an age where they need to be exposed to a lot of print material, they need to use graphic organizer when brainstorming for a writing piece, and my special ed students often need materials not available in the class books.

I wrote out my Math and Science lesson plans for next week. For Science, there aren't enough Lab Manuals and Resource books for everyone so that forces me to go and make copies. For Math, I have materials that will supplement what is done in class, these need to be copied.

Multiply each sheet by 18 students and that equals A LOT OF COPYING.

I went to Staples after my advanced aerobics class this morning, to make the copies. I spent almost $30 in there, just making copies for next week! Can you imagine how much money I'm going to spend on copies this year??

My principal says we should use our Teacher's Choice allotment of $150 for copies. Like thats enough money anyways. If we do use this money for copies then we will have to use our own money for all the materials needed for class projects that aren't built into the curriculum. Or worse, we just don't do anything that we don't have the materials for.

When the Government takes money away from education, everyone suffers.


Azazel said...

We've had budget cuts in my school as well.
A lot of teachers are grumpy and I also do not sense the motivation emanatin from them

QueenBee said...

I have 70 faculty just in my department alone. They would die if copying were to be cut. I am one of the biggest departments on campus, but this is junior college. You mean to tell me that they couldn't find something else to cut besides that. I would rather not have them put on a play than not being able to copy. And a 150 allotment, please, that will be gone in no time.

Chic Mama said...

Thats terrible! You can't be expected to spend your own money on copying. Do they want the children educated? Have they come up with any alternatives?

Jenell : BlakIzBeautyful said...


Are you a teacher? How have the budget cuts effected you?


A few teachers and I have been talking about using about $20-$50 of our teachers choice allotment towards a copy machine that will be used exclusively by those of us that put money towards it.

Chic Mama,

Thats the main question.... we can fight for copies til we are blue in the face, but most peoplet think we should be blessed to have jobs at all. Teachers cant be laid off (unless they do something crazy of course).

So they wager the odds.

Vee said...

When tax times comes MAKE SURE MAKE SURE MAKE SURE!!!! You claim each and every red CENT on your taxes...and keep ALLLLLLLLL reciepts


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