When it comes to the field of education, a lot is riding on how well students perform on the State Standardized tests.
This year was my FIRST year of teaching and I feel that I've done very well with the hands I've been dealt. Most of my students have extreme emotional problems and require lots and lots of immediate intervention. Special Education is a very interesting area to teach.
4 of my 10 students are 3rd graders (all the rest are 2nd graders). The 4 third graders are the ones who take the State English and Language Arts (ELA) and MATH tests.
Scoring a 2 is BELOW the state general education requirments.
Scoring a 2 MEETS the state general education requirments.
Scoring a 3 is ABOVE the state general education requirments.
Scoring a 4 is EXCEEDING the state general education requirments.
Here's how my 4 third graders perfomed:
Student 1: 3 ELA 3 MATH
Student 2: 2 ELA 2 MATH
Student 3: 1 ELA 2 MATH
Student 4: 1 ELA 1 MATH
I know taking such a stressful test reaked havoc on them emotionally, but they did their best and showed that they can achieve great things.
teaching is not easy period! I applaud you...keep up the good work!
Thanks V!
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